Please click on this link. When you click on the link you will find an article entitled “7 Things We Should Teach In Schools.” Follow these instructions:
- Read the article.
- When you are done reading the article, write short opinion responses (in the Canvas text entry box) for each of the 7 things covered in the article.
- Each opinion response should be at least 1-2 sentences about whether or not you agree with the item in the article. Be sure to comment on all seven of the items on the list. The main point of this assignment is to explore whether or not you agree with the article and if you think schools should be teaching students about these things.
- When you finish, submit your writing in the text entry box! Be sure to focus on addressing the following:
- Do you agree with the general message of the article?
- Which things do you agree with and why?
- Which things do you disagree with and why?