Tragedy and Dark Knight: First 6 Weeks


  1. Syllabus
  2. Contract
  3. Tragedy (the way we use the word in conversation)
    1. Taking Things Seriously
      1. Body Transformation
      2. Bubbles
      3. Starvation
      4. Baby Monkey
  4. Aristotelian Tragedy
    1. Crash Course Literature 202: Fate, Family and Oedipus Rex
      1. Take notes on definitions given in this video.
        1. Why was theater and tragedy so important to the ancient Greeks?
        2. Why was theater considered a civic duty?
      2. Understand the basic plot of the Oedipus Rex story.
      3. Understand that all stories are meant to entertain and communicate themes.

PART TWO: Batman Begins

  1.  Civic Duty
    1. Wisdom of Rulers
    2. The Nature of Power
    3. Hardwiring vs Experience
  2. Joseph Campbell
    1. Monomyth (The Hero’s Journey)
      1. Chart
      2. Video Explanation
      3. Presentation and Background
  3. William Shakespeare
    1. Romeo and Juliet
      1. Script & Resources
    2. Romeo + Juliet
  4. Batman Begins

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