How To Get Into ECCO
Administration will inform students and parents/guardians. Situations that would lead administration to inform student and families would be:
- Occurrence of disciplinary problem in third year.
- Attendance pattern that is erratic.
- The student is not benefitting from the educational program.
- When the school is considering expulsion as a disciplinary alternative.
- When the student is expelled.
- When an emancipated minor or parent/guardian applies for the student’s exemption from compulsory attendance under law.
- Required to regularly attend when enrolled.
- How did we decide 80% attendance?
- ODE requirements and definitions?
- Part-time vs. full-time?
- Requires that the district withdraws students who are absent 10-days in a row.
- Define absent.
- Excused?
- Pre-planned?
- Define absent.
- School administrator may excuse absence.
- Reasons why:
- Student illness
- Family illness
- Emergency
- Excused if parent or guardian contacts within 48 hours if student is minor.
- Reasons why:
- Irregular attendance equates to:
- 8 half-day absences or 4 full-day absences in any four week period is considered irregular attendance.
- Chronic lateness and single period absences may be considered.
Bullying and Harassment:
- Definitions
- Student Responsibilities
- Reports and Complaints Processes
Dress Code:
Location Downtown:
- Logistically smart
- Increases risk of skipping
Keeping College in the Vision:
- Fears:
- Paying for it.
- Seeing it as an OPTION, not ESSENTIAL.
Student Government:
- First term we self-select and see which leaders arise.
- Later on we determine whether or not an elected body is worth considering.
Technology Use:
- Personal Technology
- You must obey the same rules as school owned technology. Appropriate use guidelines.
- Consent. Don’t film people who don’t want to be filmed.
- Don’t use it when it is a disruption to the class and learning environment.
- Classroom by classroom.
- You may listen to music during designated times, but it cannot be a disruption.
- Face down on table if you have it out.
- If you need to use it, alert teacher that you will be on-call and watching phone.
- Young parents with children in daycare program may have expanded access.
- If there is a family emergency or situation, student may have permissions.
- School Technology