- Attendance Expectations
- WordPress (Structure & Style)
- Writing Sample(s)
- WordPress: We have three days until we reach winter break. I want to spend this time preparing our WordPress shells and creating the first three writing samples to showcase on our site. We will actually build the structure of the site on Wednesday and Thursday. You will familiarize yourself with APPEARANCE and THEMES before the winter break.
- Writing Sample: Please open Microsoft Word and begin working on the first writing assignment of the year. You will have the rest of the period to get as far as you can. Be sure to include your first and last name on this writing sample. When you finish, please send this word document to timbjornstad@me.com.
- 10-Item-Armageddon: Let’s say that sh*t finally hits the fan and we are in trouble. Your best and most trusted friend(s) pull up to your house in a vehicle equipped to take on the world and they tell you that they have one seat left. The problem is that you only have three minutes to run into your house and fill your backpack with items you can easily carry. If this situation was real, what ten items that you actually presently own, would you take with you? As you build this list, take into consideration things you will wish you had with you and the emotions you’d feel knowing that your entire life could fit into a backpack.
- Food & Diet: Human beings will die within a matter of weeks if we do not meet our basic food and nutrition requirements. Write a post describing and exploring your ideal diet. What foods make you feel healthy and active? What is your ideal grocery list? What are your favorite deserts and treats? What are your feelings, opinions and personal policies that guide your eating choices?
- Dream House & Community: We all dream and we all daydream. When you think about your ideal future, where do you see yourself living? Please take into consideration realistic expectations while allowing yourself to shoot for the stars. Do you live in the city? Country? Do you drive? Do you work? If you work, do you work from home? What kind of kitchen do you have? How many bedrooms? Are you single and living by yourself or do you have a partner and several children running around? Please describe the setting that will bring you happiness.
Top Five Greatest Fears for the 21st Century: We are living in stressful times. Make a list of your top five fears for humanity in the 21st century. You may use your own personal thoughts, scan the news for ideas, or approach this assignment in any way you wish. The only requirement is that you write a paragraph describing each of your five fears using true voice and well constructed complete sentences. Please also search the web for an image that relates to each fear. You will be turning this into a blog post.
Top Five Greatest Hopes for the 21st Century: We can approach any situation we face with positivity and negativity. Even though we are living in scary times and face uncertainty, humanity keeps moving forward as it has for thousands of years. Please write your top five hopes for the 21st century. Next to each of the five items, write a paragraph that explains why you included each item on your list.