The purpose of this assignment is simple. I want you to imagine / brainstorm a concept for an ideal post Covid-19 school. Be sure to focus on all aspects of your ideal school program outlined below. You may write an essay, create a brainstorm image, write loose ideas down on paper, etc. The key is to communicate your ideas for what you think would make a great school that prepares young humans for life in the 21st century. You may approach this project from the standpoint of improving ECCO, establishing your own unique program, or creating guidelines for how to improve the education process across the United States.
Examples: Sample Questions to Consider:
- Do you like the idea of being able to go to school 2-3 days per week and doing the rest of your work from home?
- Are there things that you really liked about distance learning?
- What would your school do to support students going through a rough time or experiencing mental health challenges?
- What are the main drawbacks to distance learning?
The key to this assignment is spending time thinking about what you think is good about public education – and what you think education’s biggest problems are. Then, put together a strong argument for how you think schools can be perfected moving forward – with specific examples.
SECTION ONE: Your Thoughts On The American School System – As It Exists: Some people say that the American education system is the most important system in our society. Others say that schools in America are deteriorating and that we need alternatives to serve the youth of our society. What is your opinion about the state of the American education system? Why are schools important in our society? What would your IDEAL SCHOOL would focus on?
SECTION TWO: Your Thoughts On How The School System Should Change After The COVID-19 Shutdown: This is the first time in a long time that America closed its schools because of a pandemic threat. The school system had to quickly transition to online distance learning. Positives and negatives emerged pretty quickly for everyone involved. In your opinion, from the perspective of being a student, what things do you think should be permanently changed in the post Covid era?
SECTION THREE: Design and Location of Your Ideal School: How should a school should be physically designed from a beauty/comfort/aesthetic standpoint? Describe and explain your reasons and responses to the following:
- Does the design and layout of an actual school building or campus matter to students? Does it matter to you?
- Where is your ideal school located?
- Is it a large campus? Small campus?
- Does your ideal school have space for kids all along the K-12 spectrum or are you interested in creating a high school?
- What kinds of furniture will be found in your ideal school? Chairs? Desks? Traditional classroom set-up?
- What kind of lighting should the school have?
- This is a very important point – how would you use color in the designs of your school? What colors would you use to paint walls? Hallways? Classrooms?
- Do you think looks matter in an educational setting?
- What is your opinion of mainstream school buildings?
SECTION FOUR: Technology Lab and Resources for Your Ideal School: Imagine that someone with a lot of money purchased a school and asked you to help design the ideal technology lab for film production, programming, coding, game design, web-design, audio production and all other things technological and career oriented. The owner of this school tells you that the school will be built 50/50 between Apple Products and other products. Knowing this to be true, describe what kind of equipment you would want, from furniture to carpet to lighting to headphones to screens to towers… you get the picture. Begin the process by making a list of categories to help guide your design.
- Does technology help or hinder the educational process for students?
- What technologies can help schools and students be more successful?
- Are there any technologies that are damaging to the education process?
- What kinds of policies should schools have for technology use?
SECTION FIVE: Policies, Themes, Courses and Programs for Your Ideal School: Brainstorm about the policies and courses you would include in your ideal school, from nap time, recess, attendance, working from home, breakfast, lunch, the essential skills requirements of the state, etc. But most importantly, imagine courses for a school that specifically strives to allow students to pursue their personal interests. What kinds of material would you study for Language Arts? Social Studies? Math? Science? Have fun with this and pretend that you are making a pitch to someone who can make your vision come true.
- Opinion = Share sincere perspectives, thoughts and values. Don’t be afraid to use your own voice.
- Be persuasive, explain what needs explanation and be true to yourself and thoughts.