We will now begin the process of constructing our Personalized Learning portfolios. Please answer the questions below and respond to the prompts below. You may either do this on a blank sheet of paper, or using Word/Pages/Google Docs. The key is that you have this information ready by the time we put it onto the website. Please be thoughtful and thorough with your responses.
PART ONE: Biography
- ABOUT ME: Please write a short summary about who you are and what you do. If you have already written a biography in the past, you may use it for this section.
- AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Write about a few things that you really excel at. What are your strengths and talents?
- RECOGNITIONS: Write about honors, awards, certificates you have received in the past.
- INTERESTS: What are your extracurricular focuses? What do you love doing and thinking about? What are your hobbies?
- INVOLVEMENT: Do you volunteer? Would you like to? If you had to volunteer in the community, where would you like to work? Who would you like to serve? Animals? Environment? Fighting homelessness?
PART TWO: Academic Career
- What schools have you attended in your life? Make a list and write a few things about each place, beginning with pre-school if you attended those. Did you have positive experiences at these schools?
- What are your favorite courses you’ve ever taken? Least favorite?
- What are your best subjects? What are subjects you struggle with?
- What is your estimated graduation date?
- What are your future plans? Career plans?
- Do you think you will need to take a training program in the future?
PART THREE: Resume (If you already have a resume, please have it ready to turn into me. You don’t have to write a new resume if you already have one.)
- Employer name
- Description of what you did
- Position held
- Location
- Is there a website for the employer?
- What dates did you work there?
- Responsibilities?
- Reflection (what did you learn from this experience?
- References
- Name
- Title
- Phone number
PART FOUR: Personal Technology
- What is your relationship to technology? Are you pro-technology? Anti-technology?
- What are the first technologies you remember from childhood? Do you remember wanting any specific technologies for yourself as a child?
- What kind of technology did you use in early-childhood? Do you remember actually using anything?
- Do you think children use technology as status symbols? If so, please write a paragraph explaining and describing your thoughts.
- What sorts of technology do you use/own today? Please make a list of the technologies you use every day, from phones, computers, alarm clocks, music players, vehicles, etc.
- Do you think any of the technology you use/have is essential to your life? How would your life change of you suddenly lost any of these objects?
- Is there any technology that you wish you had in your life, but don’t yet have? Again, this could be personal technology, musical technology, professional technology, a new car, television, etc… Please make a list of the things you wish you had or hope to one day have, and write a few sentences explaining why you want it and how it would change/improve your life.
When you are done answering these questions, read through your responses and check to make sure that there isn’t any information written here that violates your privacy. We may ultimately be using some of this information in published materials online. These things take time, so even if you quickly respond to each item, go back and make sure that every sentence of your responses flows well. The more work you do up-front, the less work you will have to do in the future.