Every student striving to meet the essential skill requirement for writing will receive a folder containing scratch paper, an official scoring guide, and a prompt sheet. A successful work sample is an insurance policy that ECCO will keep on-file in the event that you are a junior and do not pass SBAC later this year. If the samples passes, you will be half-way to meeting your essential skill.
- Materials may not leave this classroom.
- All materials must remain in the red folder unless you are working.
- You must save your digital drafts to a USB thumb drive.
- You may not use your phone, listen to music, or wear headphones while working on this writing sample.
- You must disable WIFI on your computer while working on a sample.
- Teachers may not coach you while you are testing.
- You must write one persuasive or explanatory prompt. In other words, you may not write two narratives.
SECTION THREE: Formatting Guidelines
- Type your essay using Microsoft Word.
- Use 12-point font, Times New Roman.
- Double space!
- Create enough paragraphs to get the job done.
- Include a title (the actual prompt can be the title)
- Write a proper heading at the top of your paper.
- Name
- Date
- School name (ECCO)
- 4j ID
SECTION FOUR: Scoring Guide
The State of Oregon bases writing proficiency on four areas, and, as your teacher, I agree with these choices. They are:
- Ideas and Content
- Organization
- Sentence Fluency
- Conventions
- Punctuation
- Capitalization
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Tense (past, present, future)