Guidelines for Essential Skills Writing


Every student striving to meet the essential skill requirement for writing will receive a folder containing scratch paper, an official scoring guide, and a prompt sheet. A successful work sample is an insurance policy that ECCO will keep on-file in the event that you are a junior and do not pass SBAC later this year. If the samples passes, you will be half-way to meeting your essential skill.


  1. Materials may not leave this classroom.
  2. All materials must remain in the red folder unless you are working.
  3. You must save your digital drafts to a USB thumb drive.
  4. You may not use your phone, listen to music, or wear headphones while working on this writing sample.
  5. You must disable WIFI on your computer while working on a sample.
  6. Teachers may not coach you while you are testing.
  7. You must write one persuasive or explanatory prompt. In other words, you may not write two narratives.

SECTION THREE: Formatting Guidelines

  • Type your essay using Microsoft Word.
  • Use 12-point font, Times New Roman.
  • Double space!
  • Create enough paragraphs to get the job done.
  • Include a title (the actual prompt can be the title)
  • Write a proper heading at the top of your paper.
    • Name
    • Date
    • School name (ECCO)
    • 4j ID

SECTION FOUR: Scoring Guide

The State of Oregon bases writing proficiency on four areas, and, as your teacher, I agree with these choices. They are:

  • Ideas and Content
  • Organization
  • Sentence Fluency
  • Conventions
    • Punctuation
    • Capitalization
    • Spelling
    • Grammar
    • Tense (past, present, future)

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