
This course introduces students to the discipline of philosophy as a way to analyze the principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge, and the nature of the universe. Course content typically includes examination of the major philosophers and their writings.

Past Lectures:

  1. Audio Introduction
  2. Lecture 1: Metaphysics & Technics

Course Materials & Concepts:

  1. Terms
    1. Philosophy / Philosophical
      (from Greek Links to an external site.: φιλοσοφία, philosophia, ‘love of wisdom’)
    2. Telos / Teleological
    3. Tragedy / Tragic
    4. Ontos / Ontological: ὄντως (being), λογία (account)
    5. Epistêmê / Epistemological
    6. Transcend / Transcendental
    7. Essence / Essential (οὐσία) 
    8. Virtue (ἀρετή)
    9. Technê / Technological
  2. Socrates
    1. Difficult Subjects
    2. Art
    3. Death
  3. Ethics
  4. Birth Without Violence
  5. The Primacy of Perception*
  6. Allegory of the Cave
  7. On Self-Confidence
  8. Descartes
  9. Nietzsche
  10. The Matrix
  11. President Carter and UFO Phenomena
  12. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)