To form effective arguments for position statements and arguments, one needs to find common ground with an intended audience. While there is value in arguments that “preach to the choir” and “rally the troops” to support something they already strongly believe, most arguments are more effective if they seek to persuade an audience that is undecided or strongly opposed to your position. Here are some techniques and questions that can help identify an audience for a position statement:
Step 1: Identify and Understand Your Topic – Think about your position on the topic of upgrading smart phones (and technology generally) in our present context. Also, consider your position on whether or not we should close schools during Covid 19 pandemic spikes.
Please read the articles linked below and construct a position statement brainstorm / outline that answers all of these questions. You may do this in Canvas or on paper. You may use complete sentences, use drawings with comic bubbles, or whatever you want to brainstorm your ideas and positions.
Step 2: Essential Questions – Please answer the following questions related to the iPhone / smartphone upgrade issue and the Covid 19 school closure issue in the articles from step 1. Answer using detailed thoughts and really give each prompt some thought. For example, question one asks, who is your audience and question two asks what your audience believes about the issue.
An appropriate response identifies the fact that our audience includes many humans in the 21st century who use these technologies all of the time, and an economy that functions because people tend to upgrade their technology (for many reasons) on a regular basis. The audience for the school closure issue include people on both sides of the issue.
- Who is your audience?
- What does your audience believe about your issue?
- What do you want them to believe/do after reading your position paper?
- What are the values or strong beliefs your audience holds about this topic?
- How are your values or strong beliefs different or the same as those of your audience?
- Where do you and your audience have common ground? What basic needs, values and beliefs do you share? Examples of needs and values that motivate most audiences: basic needs, health, financial well being, affection and friendship, respect and esteem of others, self-esteem, new experience, self-actualization, convenience.
- Which of these needs and values could be effective for you to appeal to in your position essay?