Write Your Resume – WICOR
Q: What is a resume? A: The purpose of a resume is to provide a summary of your skills, abilities and accomplishments. It is a quick advertisement of who you are, capturing and emphasizing interests, and that help and secure you an interview.
Q: What goes on a resume?
- Name & Contact Info
- Objective or Summary
- Education
- Skills
- Work Experience
- Volunteer Work
- Hobbies or Interests
VITAL NOTE: Microsoft Word has RESUME TEMPLATES AVAILABLE. This is an incredible resource for our students.
> Ask the students why do they think a resume is important now? How many pages? Do you have one? Bring it in, and we can help. (see Sample Resume Below)
> Great article for reference. Print this out for your class and share the example as well.
>Five Elements of a Strong Resume:
Sample High School Student Resume:
1515 Stanley Drive #62
Hometown, KS 66202
(913) 555-1938
Outstanding student with experience in print and online journalism seeks opportunity to learn by doing while working with a communications, public relations, or publishing firm through a part-time job or summer internship.
Completed three years at Hometown High School.
Graduation date: May 2013.
G.P.A. 3.85. Top 5% of class.
Newspaper Staff Member, Hometown High School
- Aug 2012 – present. Features editor of campus newspaper, responsible for award-winning design.
- Aug 2009 – Aug 2012. Researched information for news articles using library and Web sources. Composed and edited informational articles, columns, editorials, and advertising copy.
Yearbook Committee Member, Hometown High School
- Aug 2012 – present. Editor-in-chief of yearbook staff. Leader of design and publication teams from initial layout through finished product.
- Aug 2009 – Aug 2012. Yearbook staff member. Experience taking photographs, designing layout, and writing captions and sidebars.
Technical writing; advanced composition; debate; video production; computer classes providing knowledge of word processing, desktop publishing, and Web software.
- U.S. Media Association Scholarship recipient
Scholarship based on academic achievement, community service, and campus participation and leadership in high school communications projects and studies.
- 2011 Best High School Newspaper Design winner
Central State Regional Communications Contest, sponsored by the Communications Department, State University.
- President of high school chapter of Future Communicators of America (FCA), 2011 – present
Member, 2010 – present.
- Treasurer of National Honor Society, 2011 – present