Socratic Method

A series of questions are posed to help a person or group determine underlying beliefs and the extent of their knowledge. The Socratic method is a negative method of hypothesis elimination, in that better hypotheses are found by steadily identifying and eliminating those that lead to contradictions. It was designed to force one to examine one’s own beliefs and the validity of such beliefs.


Aspasia reasoned thus with Xenophon’s wife and Xenophon himself: “Please tell me madam, if your neighbor had a better gold ornament than you have, would you prefer that one or your own?” “That one.” “Well, now, if she had a better husband than you have, would you prefer your husband or hers?” At this the woman blushed. “I wish you would tell me Xenophon, if your neighbor had a better horse than yours, would you prefer your horse or his?” “His.” “Now, if he had a better wife than you have, would you prefer yours or his?” And at this Xenophon, too, was himself silent. . . . “Therefore, unless you can contrive that there be no better man or finer woman on earth you will certainly always be in dire want of what you consider best, namely, that you be the husband of the very best of wives, and that she be wedded to the very best of men.”

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