Please read the article below. After you read it, follow the directions below to form and write a summary of the article and your response to it. Remember that you are always free to take notes and schedule a discussion meeting with me if you would rather discuss the issue instead of writing a formal paper.
Formatting and Technical Writing: A Template for Technical Reports.
Choose: Type/Write OR Discussion with Teacher. Remember, if you choose to schedule a discussion, I still expect to see that you have taken notes outlining your positions so you are prepared for the conversation.
Put your name and proper heading at the top of your document. Proper headings are located in the upper right-hand corner of documents/pages and include:
First and last name
The date (February 12, 2018)
School name
4j student ID
Put the title of the assignment at the top of the document.
Summarize the article.
Form clear positions and opinions.
Make sure that your claims and positions are expressed very clearly. Here are a few examples of claims and positions that are clearly stated.
Climate change is a hoax.
Oceans will become so acidic that nothing will be able to live.
Electric cars are not more efficient than gas powered cars.
After your summary and position is stated, using complete sentences, write down three examples of evidence and facts that support (ideally prove) your claim. Turn each example of evidence into a complete sentence / statement.
When you are done, submit your essay / notes for discussion.